
How to improve online reputation for Health clinic: Guide

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Reputation Management

The Healthcare system is different from country to country, with health clinics taking on various titles and specialties. As an example, the USA system has an array of different medical facilities that provide medical services of diverse nature for outpatients: Walk-in urgent care centers Physician office Independent Practice Association [IPA] Community health centers Medical centers […]

by  TrustAnalytica |  October 30, 2020 |  Read 5 min

The Healthcare system is different from country to country, with health clinics taking on various titles and specialties. As an example, the USA system has an array of different medical facilities that provide medical services of diverse nature for outpatients:

With different forms of funding, complex insurance systems, government MediCare & Medicaid programs healthcare system is still a business with thriving competition.

To give a perspective on how tough it can get in the medical industry, the urgent care visit can be 10 times as cheap as ER treatment! This is why urgent care centers are on the rise in the USA. According to the Urgent Care Association, with 8 774 urgent care clinics, they handle 89 million visits a year, which is about 15% of all the outpatient physician visits.

With that rough a competition, an online reputation management system for a health clinic is a bare necessity. Nowadays, when purchasing decisions are made based on internet reviews, the importance of reputation for health clinics is the owner’s top priority.

Let’s review concrete steps on how to improve the online reputation of a health clinic.

How Do Patients Check Your Clinic’s Reputation?

It depends on the circumstances, of course. Urgent matters will probably cause a patient to google “walk-in urgent care center near me”.

If the health issue is not urgent or specific, patients are likely to check review sites, like Yelp, or catalogs, like, FindHealthCenter or

A Facebook business page is a popular way of checking health clinic reputation because users can check the reviews’ profiles. These reviews instill high levels of trustworthiness with no spam or negative reviews paid for by competitors.

Ways To Improve Online Reputation Management For Health Clinic

Put Up A Clinic Website

Website creation is slightly more complicated than creating a PPT presentation nowadays with drag & drop website builders like Wix and Elementor on WordPress. Freelance labor is readily available to put up a solid landing page in a few days and a couple of hundred dollars.

With just a few sections of your website, you can educate your potential patients about so many aspects of your business, creating a powerful lead generation machine for years to come:

Start A Blog On Medical Advice & Services

Proximity and price are essential factors when it comes to choosing a clinic. But trust in the doctors’ expertise is a vital factor. Blog’s primary mission is to position a clinic and its team as experts in their field.

As a bonus, a blog is a powerful SEO tool that can help your business be shown to more internet users free of charge.

Register with

If you run a free medical clinic, sliding scale clinic, or free walk-in clinic, register with This platform is a nationwide catalog of federal-funded or Non-profit organizations run health establishments.

You can add your listing here. Please, mind only free or income-based clinics will be approved.

Use Testimonials Across All Available Media

Review generation is a painstaking process involving high standards of service and online reputation management tools to approach your patients for reviews.

Once you manage to send that traffic of happy customers to your Facebook business page or Google Business account to leave a review, always make sure to promote such positive mentions. Put them up on social media, boost them, and ensure a testimonial page on your website.

Negative Review Management Prevention

Negative reviews deter your potential clients. It’s a huge hole in the funnel, that is best prevented or timely addressed.

Negative review prevention tool by Trust Analytica allows businesses to proactively address unhappy clients before they go venting their negativity to the world.

Claim Ownership Of Online Listings

Directory management and catalog management used to be a hefty SEO factor a decade ago. You wanted to be in every listing there is. Now the weight of this technique has been reduced in terms of search engine optimization. But it’s still a valuable factor in terms of user experience and review management.

Proper healthcare reputation management suggests every negative review is addressed and fixed in the matter of hours. When a private medical practice or a health clinic claims all possible listings, they get a better chance of controlling and leveraging this medium to their advantage.

Get A Human Feel On Social Media

Social media is a safe harbor for many clients. They feel relaxed and chill when browsing their favorite feed. This is an amazing tool to establish a friendly yet expert tone of voice and create a human façade for your otherwise rather academic practice.

Not only the number of fans and level of engagement with your content automatically translates to trust and social proof for other users, but it’s also a powerful signal for a search engine to rank your business page higher.

Create a 3D Tour Of Your Company Office

Anybody can look good online. Website design costs little and a one-man show can look like a huge company.

Assure your potential clients of your bona fide solid status by creating a 3D tour of the company. It’s one of the services TrustAnalytica offers and we see a major increase in trustworthiness arising from this technique.

Disperse Quality Content To Reputable Resources In Your Industry

Online reputation management for doctors is a multifaceted activity with backlink generation being critical for your ranking.

Creating an image of authority in the industry is a systematic but rewarding process. Create video content that is likely to be shared, become a guest speaker on a conference or a podcast, write a guest post for a medical publication.

Trustanalytica Solution For Reputation Management

TrustAnalytica is a new generation reputation management software for Health Clinics and private medical practices that yield results in months.

TrustAnalytica’s free trial is an offer hard to refuse. It will be attractive for those who appreciate the importance of online reputation management and those who are only starting to find out how online reputation management works.

If you own or manage a community clinic, public clinic, rural clinic, military facilities, VA medical centers, or an urgent care unit, medical reputation management should be part of your digital marketing plan.

TrustAnalytica 30-day free trial includes, among other services:

Let’s turn those idle web surfers into your happy patients together!

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