
TOP 10 Ways to Get Customer Feedback

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Why do some companies work well every year? That’s because they know how to get good customer feedback and understand how important it is to listen to their clients’ voices. They believe in the power of customer feedback, w. Thich is a piece of important information provided by current or potential customers regarding their satisfaction […]

by  TrustAnalytica |  November 9, 2020 |  Read 6 min

Why do some companies work well every year? That’s because they know how to get good customer feedback and understand how important it is to listen to their clients’ voices. They believe in the power of customer feedback, w. Thich is a piece of important information provided by current or potential customers regarding their satisfaction with the products, company, and services. Any business that collects customer feedback protects its needs. And when troubles happen, customers stay with the brand.

What is Online Customer Feedback?

Customer feedback is information provided by clients about how satisfied they are with a product or service and their overall experience with the company. Customer feedback is something that companies appreciate the most. Their feedback is a source for improving customer service and adapting companies’ actions to their needs.

Why is Customer Feedback so Important?

Companies usually have some idea of what clients need before introducing a new product or service to the market. At this point, you may have already received the first example of customer feedback through market research. Feedback can indicate whether customers can buy your product or service based on other products that are similar to yours.
However, only after you ask for customer feedback on your product will you understand how well your product works and how you can make it even better for customers. One of the advantages of customer reviews is that these customer reviews will help you to improve your end product according to its expectations, even if they change over time. In this way, companies can solve problems and meet their final needs.

10 Ways to Get Feedback From Customers

Social Channels — People use websites such as YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to communicate with friends and family, have fun, relax, learn, and shop. Make sure to find out what people say about your brand on these platforms. Then you can either maintain a wave of approval or control outrage.

Surveys on the Order Confirmation Page — If customers do place an order, ask about their shopping experience and ask if they have any obstacles when making their purchases.
Your feedback form should contain several questions with options and a field for additional comments. Do not do the survey too long. Buyers usually don’t want to stay on the website after they finished their purchase.

Feedback Boxes — Most customers want to make a purchase and leave the website. The best way to get feedback from customers is to establish communication with them quickly and easily.

The bright and attractive button with a strong call to action can encourage people to stay with you a little longer and share their views on the usability, design, and content of your site. Place the “Leave a Feedback” box in a convenient place, such as your footer or side panel.

Usability Tests — Ask questions about customer support quality after online chats. This strategy helps to obtain customer feedback on your services and make them better. Find out if the session was beneficial if it helped to solve the client’s problem, and if your employee behaved with courtesy and respect. When you receive a complaint, take action to resolve the issue, and restore customer confidence.

Analyze Recorded Sales Calls — Of course, instead of calling all clients individually, it’s much easier to send them all a template letter. But the results of the calls are worth the effort. A personal call will make your customers feel special and increase their loyalty to the brand. You can ask the same questions as in email surveys. Determine the level of satisfaction, curiosity, and frustration of the person you are talking to and answer them accordingly.

Remember that phone calls are most effective for new customers. Your regular customers can get tired of them. Call only during business hours and always ask if the person you’re talking to is available. Be polite and patient. Do not ask too many questions in a rush. Remember that you need this conversation more than the client, so respect their time.

Include Post-Purchase Feedback — This feedback will help you understand if customers feel satisfied after receiving your products or services. This option allows for increasing the cost-efficiency and effectiveness of your business strategies.

Monitor Feedback on Other Sites — Feeling cheated or disappointed by the poor quality of customer support, people rush to forums, blogs, business directories, and online communities to share negative experiences and alert other users. Remember, they are more willing to share negative feedback than positive ones.

If you don’t want dissatisfied customers to tarnish your reputation, use a program like Google Alerts to identify and mitigate conflicts before they reach an alarming level. You can also use such tools to track feedback about your competitors.

Analyze On-site Activity — This gives a useful statistic data that helps to improve the quality and quantity of online traffic, which is so helpful for business promotion.

Create a Community — When you want to get the most compelling comments on your business, but don’t know how to collect feedback from customers — create your business community. Instead of tracking reviews published by your customers on different platforms, combine them into one channel. Build an online community where people can share their buying experience, interact with your brand, and get tips. Launch it in a themed forum or social network most appropriate for your business.

Email and Customer Contact Forms — Use email as an active channel to get feedback on your customers’ buying experience. Surveys can focus on anything from product descriptions and photos in the catalog to the quality of customer service.

It is better to ask each new customer for three to five days of placing an order. For regular customers, please do not write to them after each purchase to avoid appearing intrusive or annoying.

Questions to Ask to Get Feedback from Customers

You have to do things right the first time. While no organization wants to judge their past, most customers form an opinion about your product based on their first impression. So, what can you do to make sure that you win customers at first sight? Get customer testimonials from those who have never visited your website. An example of a customer feedback question might be whether the website looks current or out of date. You may ask them for feedback on whether it is easy to find relevant information on your website and whether its content is accurate, understandable, and error-free. If you are curious about how to ask for feedback from customers and the main questions that deserve the most attention then look below:

The Implementation of Collected Customer Feedback

After your company started to receive feedback, your steps should be the following. It would help if you made the feedback work for you. The main thing is to pay attention to each feedback. Communicate with customers, solve emerging issues. Open communication with customers increases the number of purchases.

Dealing with Positive and Negative Feedbacks

Responding to feedback from customers is one of the best practices that will make your business prosper. It allows increasing the efficiency of any business and decreasing the time you spend on your services and advertising as nothing can advertise your business better than qualitative and detailed feedback from real customers. People tend to believe more to other real customers than to any advertising tricks.

Positive feedback should be well-choreographed and used for business promotion as well as negative feedback. However, you should provide your potential customers with the troubleshooting cases of your previous deals. It would be best if you convinced the audience that in case of any problems your company would make sure to solve them.

Making Changes Based on Customers Feedback

Your customers’ feedback is an ultimate source of valuable information that accelerates the tempo of your business development and fixing the weak sides of your business strategies. Following customer preferences and advice frequently plays an integral role in making essential changes to the already established corporate policy and order. Following all the above-mentioned is what makes an ordinary business to be successful.

Be polite and responsive to your customers, and they will treat and reward your business afterward. Your success is in your hands.

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