
How to manage reviews on facebook

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This is the world of social media and worldwide connectivity. People are getting information about the things around them and far off in the world at lightning speed. It has become harder for businesses and brands to catch up with the changing trends and waves. Facebook is the most potent force behind this shift. The […]

by  admin |  November 13, 2022 |  Read 6 min

This is the world of social media and worldwide connectivity. People are getting information about the things around them and far off in the world at lightning speed. It has become harder for businesses and brands to catch up with the changing trends and waves. Facebook is the most potent force behind this shift. The social media giant was founded by Mark Zuckerberg when he was a student at Harvard. Now, it boosts over four billion active users in a month.

Apart from connecting people, Facebook is also an engine of search and intent for businesses. Some reports place the number at 55% of customers who go online on Facebook to find a new business around them.

The purchasing decisions are often influenced by the reviews and recommendations left by other users.

Facebook Reviews & Recommendations

Apart from the marketing material curated and propagated by the brand, the reviews and recommendations make or break the deal for prospects. It is like the comments or reviews of another community-based platform, such as Yelp Reviews and Google Reviews.

What is different at Facebook is the format of collecting feedback. Instead of relying on star reviews, Facebook has come up with a recommendation option. In this, a user is asked whether he recommends that business or not, with a simple YES or NO. After that, he is further asked to provide context at his discretion through text or pictures. This is better than star-based reviews in many ways.

One of the highlights of this system is the sheer integration of feedback across the platform. This includes asking customers to recommend your business if you tag it to others on Facebook.

In light of these developments, it is prudent for businesses to turn on the feature of Facebook reviews and recommendations so that good word can be spread out about the brand.

The Need To Manage Facebook Reviews

A study by industry experts has shown that over 98% of modern consumers go through Facebook reviews or other forms of feedback before purchasing a local business. In another study, 77% of customers revealed that they go online to look for goods and services in local businesses almost once a day.

For brands, this is an excellent opportunity to create a rapport with potential customers and prospects. Small businesses often struggle with receding demands because of the poor influx of outsiders. With positive Facebook reviews and online presence, they can ensure that they are painted in the best light for potential purchases. 

That’s the reason it is considered essential to add the feature of reviews and recommendations to your brand’s Facebook page.

Fundamentals of Facebook Reviews Management

Facebook reviews and recommendations appear on your brand’s business page. Active brands with millions of followers and customers in both the online and real-world connect with them through these sections. When compared to Google Reviews and other relevant alternatives, Facebook allows businesses to turn off this feature. We will take a look at this feature and how you can turn it off if your brand is not getting much traction through online Facebook reviews.

In this section, we will cover the bases for both positive and negative reviews.

When responding to a positive review, it is an established practice to thank the reviewer for their time and positive thought about the brand. Brands should display gratitude because positive reviews enhance a brand’s image. In addition to this, they should address the user by their first name, and invite them to do something positive for the brand, such as leaving a positive review on another site. Also, brands can share information on new promotions and deals that these customers may find useful.

Negative reviews stick out like bad omens and make a brand look unreliable to prospects and potential customers. Still, negative Facebook reviews can be an opportunity for brands to pick up a conversation and try to change the mind of the user through honest makeup. While responding to negative reviews on Facebook, representatives always use the official account and then reassure them their feedback is always welcomed. Then, convince them their issue has been taken up by the higher management and will be resolved soon.

Turning Off Reviews On Facebook

Turning off reviews and recommendations on Facebook is not a difficult task. Here is a simple guide on how to turn it off if you are not alright about receiving prompt reviews and testimonials.

Importance of Facebook Reviews For Small Businesses

Small businesses and local enterprises have their business models. Usually, they are cash-starved with an immediate need for new orders and clients to survive. Their main source of customers is the local community but they always have stiff competition. In any case, they need to employ different methods to stay afloat.

Facebook reviews and recommendations play an important role in getting the word out about small brands. It is a modern iteration of word of mouth and is considered more worthwhile than marketing materials.

Reviews and recommendations are getting very popular across all mediums. Even when people do not have the intention to purchase a product or hire a service, they are often compelled to go through these sections and end up ordering things. When a business has a superb online presence with multiple positive reviews, it is natural that its revenue goes up.

Facebook is a behemoth of an online network with billions of active users. For a small town, it is natural to have local groups with focused discussions. Much of that revolves around local businesses and brands. By cracking into these deeper circles, brands can ensure a steady stream of new clients and prospects every week.

Trust is everything in small communities. That’s why even small slip-ups and blunders go a long way. Through positive reviews and recommendations, brands can show prospects that they are indeed professionals and stay true to their words. That’s the reason we see generational businesses in small communities where both the sellers and the buyers are bound by the threads of mutual trust and respect.

Facebook’s good faith does not remain in the system alone. It also helps businesses with improved SEO. Since people talk about a business in good faith and mention its name and brand across the platform, the crawlers at search engines pick up this chatter and consider it as a positive signal to promote a brand.


How do I control Reviews on Facebook?

This is a misconception that many businesses consider to be true. There is no way to control the influx of reviews when the option to receive them is on. If a brand wants to turn off this feature, it will have to turn it off manually through the settings of the Facebook business page.

Can you remove a bad review on Facebook?

Facebook guidelines are clear on review removal. It is a community-based platform which means it does not side with any party regarding subjective truths. If a brand receives negative reviews, it is the concern of that brand alone. However, if the brand finds it to be fake or violating the guidelines of the platform, it can report the review which might be removed after the editorial review.

How do you remove Reviews from Facebook 2022?

While removing reviews from a Facebook business page, it is not possible to remove only the negative ones. By turning off the option to receive reviews and recommendations, you will end up removing all the feedback repositories.

How do I see all my Facebook Reviews?

Finding Facebook reviews on your business page are simple. All you need to do is go to Settings and then click the Edit page, and then find the Reviews section.

Why can’t I see my Reviews on Facebook?

The most common issue behind the missing reviews is the option being turned off. Many businesses turn off the feature and then wonder how their online reviews are not showing. While setting up the business page, it is necessary to set the feature so that you can see the reviews that users leave on your Facebook page.

Final Thoughts

Facebook reviews and recommendations can be game changers for a brand, especially a small business. There are many ways to leverage reviews in a brand’s favor but professionals need to be on top of the game to ensure success. In this blog, we have covered Facebook reviews and recommendations, and how they are different from other platforms. We have also shared some tips on how small businesses can take advantage of the wave of sharing and getting the best out of the internet.

To stay on top of the developments happening around a brand, it is best to have a good online reputation management tool. TrustAnalytica does not need any introduction when it comes to Facebook review monitoring and responses. It is bundled with other online solutions to the problems that many businesses face. So, browse through our products to know all about us!

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