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Erich Schroeder Photography is based in Madison, WI. Offering editorial, headshot, and lifestyle portraits, I focus on commercial work. Located in Madison, Wisconsin, Erich Schroeder is a commercial, editorial, and advertising photographer. His work has taken him around the world and you can send him anywhere you need him. Partially Client List ( Commercial ),: 1848 Construction, Inc., American Cancer Society, American Orthodontics, Baker Cheese, Cobham, Froedtert hospital, Heartland Financial, Honeywell, Kohl's, Quad Graphics, UW Credit Union, Von Maur, Winnebago Partially Client List (Editorial ): AARP Magazine, Bowdoin College Magazine. EatingWell Magazine. Madison Magazine. Milwaukee BizTimes. Milwaukee Magazine. Morningstar. Popular Mechanics. Reed College Magazine. Sydney Morning Herald. The Wall Street Journal.