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Cabela's has a huge selection of outdoor gear, including hunting, fishing, and camping gear as well as hiking and boating equipment, outdoor clothing, and outdoor-themed gifts. It has a world famous brand, quality products, and grea prices, and it offers legendary service to customers. The company bought S.I.R. Sports Store in 2007 to expand into the Canadian market. S.I.R. The S.I.R. Cabela CEO Tommy Millner mentioned, "We are a company with a loyal and growing customer base here in Canada." Cabela's Canada is a top merchant in Canada. This entity operates in Canada through the Call Centre, Online, and Retail Divisions. The Canadian organisation has been built to meet the needs of Canadians. This new group is made up of experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of the Canadian market. The product range is being customised for Canadians. Trapping and extreme cold-weather footwear and clothing lines are inclusive of the range, thereby offering products suited for Canadian customers (let's say "Canada-Ready"). Cabela's Canada has unique agreements that allow them to buy different products. They have good relationships with many different vendors around the world. Cabela's Canada can also negotiate and obtain agreements, products and prices that benefit Canadian consumers. Their smaller Canadian organisation, coupled with their US parent's resources, allows them to be flexible and invest heavily in new technologies, trends and business opportunities when they emerge. They also conduct regular research to ascertain if there is lorem new products or good ideas that would benefit Canadian customers. As Canada's Foremost Outfitter, every decision is weighed against the demand for excellent customer service.
Cabela's receives many positive reviews. Factors such as the store's laid-back, family-friendly environment, friendly and helpful staff such as in its archery department, are noted. Events such as Easter Bunny photos also make the store a fun place to visit with kids. Shoppers appreciate the selection of outdoor products and note they never experience long lineups. The store should have more positive ratings than the five-star limit.
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