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We aim to equip all members with the tools they need to lead an active outdoor lifestyle. By providing a comprehensive collection of outdoor gear, clothing, and services, we make it possible. Our business model is to match our members with the optimal gear for their intended activity. The brand stands out because of our passion. Passion, experience, and expertise are our most valuable assets. We sell products that are top-notch in both performance and quality and carry out transactions transparently and in good faith. It is important to make sure you are listening. We are guided by core values of honesty, justice, and ethical behavior, and create a vast, unified community where people come together to do great things. We welcome original ideas and see the world from many different perspectives. These concepts lead to a successful company that grows and creates a legacy. We lead by example. We inspire others to act for humanity and the planet and actively, frequently, and generously replenish and preserve our wild places. Our lives are filled with adventure, and we embrace learning and growth.
MEC reviews: \n Customers are genuinely satisfied with the excellent customer service.\n These customers claim that they visited a local MEC for few items or gear \n The company's price, the number of cheap products, and the availability of selected product are excellent.\n Happy customers say they were surprised to get all available Solomon's hiking boots, sizes, and a water repellent backpack cover.\n Furthermore, the customers also appreciate Gary and Emma for their knowledge, assistance and patience with customer service.\n Finally, the customers are grateful for the new store hygiene, the request for help, excellent service and a good treatment.
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