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MEC North Vancouver opened its doors in 1971 with a vision to sell the best products at fair prices possible and the best guarantees given to shoppers. We want to give everyone the tools they need to lead active outdoor lives. We do this by providing outdoor gear, clothing, and services. We match our members with the best gear according to their needs, and this is what differentiates us from other companies. Our passion is our strongest asset because we believe in the power of the outdoor experience. We strive to be at the forefront of every aspect of our business because we believe in honesty, justice, and ethics. In a community, the natural and human world can work together to accomplish great things. We are open-minded and welcome original ideas. We hope to leave a positive legacy by creating a new perspective of the world. Follow your example. We exist to inspire other individuals and organizations to act for humanity and the planet.
Customer reviews highlight the excellent service at the store. Many customers praised the helpful and knowledgeable staff, with several named. Catherine and Katie's customer service skills were especially beneficial, and others felt they were great at their jobs. They provided advice on which products to buy and asked the right questions about products before a purchase. Their management and decision-making abilities were also excellent. Other customers appreciated the easy return process for an item that didn't fit their expectations. You also enjoyed the store's wide selection of gear and apparel. The store's deals and competitive pricing were considered by other customers. The product quality and type were praised. The customers felt the products were well-priced based on their purchases. This is a reputable store that many people trust. They also bought a new climbing shoe due to the technical expertise of the staff. Other equipment purchased included a pocketknife and a steel bottle. The store's ranking was high. This shows the trust they placed in it. Many stated they would keep coming back to the store. They have a good overall impression of the store. The reviews confirmed the store's superb service.
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