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Huge savings on brand name sports and outdoor gear. Rent outdoor gear or service your bikes through us. Your gently used sports gear and clothing can be turned into cash at our shop. Get out and play this winter with closeout clothing and ski gear at discount wholesale prices. And don't worry when the snow melts, we also have camping rentals in the Summer and bike rentals for all seasons too so you can keep up your adventurous lifestyle. Our Winter Season camping selection is reduced for the Winter Season. Check back in the spring of 2023 for our full spring and summer range. We have the largest selection of camping equipment in Vancouver, including: Top brands of camping tents, mats and sleeping bags. Hotcore, Mountain Hardware, Jack Wolfskin, Klymit and more. Camping accessories of all shapes and sizes. We have everything you need to get away from the city including water filters, sporks, camping stoves and much more. Day hiking and travel bags by Jack Wolfskin and Deuter. As well as the popular brands King Camp, Timbuk2, Vaude and Taikan. We also have many other items and brands to choose from too! Visit our store to see all of the new and used camping equipment we have for sale. Talking to our knowledgeable staff will help you find the right gear for your adventure. Each member of our staff has years of experience camping and traveling. Our experts will help you find the right equipment for your next outdoor trip. Whether you need gear for car camping, hiking or the Juan De Fuca Trail, Sports Junkies has what
Sports Junkies reviews overwhelmingly indicate a great place to buy cost-effective sports goods, offering big selection for all seasons. One client shared a fantastic experience involving bicycle transportation help. His assistant took the time to answer all his questions, give his tools, and show him how to disassemble the bike. The helpfulness and kindness of the group blew him away. A different customer stated that staff were genuinely helpful, and they received some excellent deals. New and secondhand bikes and winter gear are attractive. Both reviewers found the deal valuable and encouraging of others to try the products. Buyback prices are fair; they also have a consignment shop for used gear. One recent visitor said Jeanie was utterly helpful and knowledgeable. She really enjoyed the visit and got what she was looking for at a discount. Another client echoed the positive experience, saying the shop has an enormous selection of sporting products. Also, the staff were extremely knowledgeable, approachable, and made her comfortable throughout her journey. One more reviewer singled out a group member, which made his shopping experience better. He talked to Ian, described him as a kind, funny, and informative individual, and said Ian's knowledge pushed him to buy the store, even though the group has other stores..EqualTo summary with lower word count.
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