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Grove Outdoors Equipment. Plus, it's less risky than buying new gear that you've never tried before. I've seen first-hand how much gear is too dangerous or breaks after a single use. So if you're in need of new or gently used outdoor gear, you need to check us out! We take the risk away through the use of our return policy and inspection process. Sell your own gear and earn money for your next adventure, or buy used equipment without worrying about quality. Alright, today is the day! I quit my job and now do this full time. Don't get me wrong, I am learning so much everyday about the grind this comes with being an entrepreneur. If you have any other questions about the app, the business, or me, feel free to ask! Victoria is the bomb. It's so easy to get outdoors in this city. After work walks up Mt. Doug. A quick camping trip to Sombrio Beach. Or a long backpacking trip to Cape Scott. You realize you have too much stuff. There are only so many items of gear that you can possibly use. I created this app to help some of that excess gear find a new home. The Grove app makes it easy to recycle unwanted equipment. We know that selling online is a hassle. With Grove, it's different. We do the work of selling your items minus the hassle, so you can spend more time exploring and unplugging.
Reviews show a high level of satisfaction with the store. Many note how it has become their go-to place for outdoor gear and clothing. People appreciate the customer service, the affordability of the equipment, and the financial freedom that comes with consigning. The fact that it's a store revolved around the outdoors is a great advantage. A good number of clients have been able to cut down on expenses by buying second-hand, naming how they can afford things they wouldn't have bought if they were new. This resonates well with the store being environmentally friendly and ethically responsible. Many reviews suggest that the store has played a crucial role in bringing second-hand outdoor loungers and entrepreneurs alike under one roof. The store is a great resource in the area and enjoys unwavering support from many in the Victoria community. This echoes the sentiment that its customers view it as a beautiful place to shop and know they can always get a good deal and have fun even if they don't buy anything. Customer reviews have been overall positive and overwhelmingly support the store. Many say that they have bought or consigned things and they would recommend the store to friends and family.
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