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Royal Roads University, a public and applied research university that has focused on lifelong learning since 1995. Educational programs and professional development are available at all levels, from undergraduate study to MBA and doctorate programs, as well as a range of certificate courses. Royal Roads University invites you to explore the unique offerings of our past, present, and future. Join us in our mission to inspire lifelong learning, and transformation, and leadership in a sustainable and just world. Be part of our learning community and help us build a better future. Inspire lifelong learning, transformation, and leadership in a sustainable and just world. Royal Roads University is celebrating its 25th Anniversary by announcing its new strategic vision: Learning for Life 2045 and Beyond. Courage is our new mission. This new strategic vision is various levels of learning from blended, online and on-campus education. Our new strategic plan is a call to action for all people. Our vision is a call to action for all who want to change our world for the better, and we urge people to consider what this means for them and their loved ones.
Royal Roads University receives positive reviews mainly for its picturesque campus and transformational educational experience. Meticulous grounds full of trails and shoreline offer pleasant walks even in the pandemic. Some reviewers even compare the campus to Professor Xavier's institute from the X-Men movies. Education is an adventure; you will have to face some learning challenges, but the courses have unique structures that see you leaving the school changed. Unlike traditional universities, Royal Roads stands out for different purposes and rules, allowing many possibilities for students like online degrees and for the working professional. The school encourages community-sourced work and continuously tests the students and ensures students are part of their learning reactions. The Royal Roads Act guides its curriculum, creating a unique approach to academic life. There is an array of community support. Royal Roads is, therefore, recommended as a venue to seek ongoing revolution and retreat because the school is a wonder to many professionals. The design of the site for transformational learning and with skilled people around really makes it a city to shift from compared to what we think of a university. Graduates were satisfied and wrote fantastic reviews. Royal Roads University is, however, ranked low, as it is marked by negative reviews from just a handful of reviewers. In conclusion, and for the vast number of positive experiences, Royal Roads University is recommended for the life-transforming culture when change is what one is seeking in education.