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Sync Therapy is enthusiastic about its Holistic Nutrition, Massage Therapy, and Athletic Therapy services. We are committed to delivering top-quality healthcare in Greater Victoria, conducting extensive research and therapy to meet your body's needs.
Overall, reviews of Sync Therapy and its owner Daryl are predominantly positive with many clients expressing relief from chronic issues. Dependable, therapeutically talented, and knowledgeable in both treatment and health education, Daryl is also compassionate and honest. Several comment on his achievements in helping them break free of their pain and discomfort and establish long-term self-care routines. Some believe that he is skilled in many different areas of massage therapy, nutrition, and manage abnormality, exhibit a holistic treatment approach, advanced expertise, and satisfying their mission as a long-term client. Daryl is inspirational, and uses their intelligent and culturally informed expertise to help heal society while urging clients to adopt an attitude of acceptance towards their health goals. Pain is managed while clients improve and find confidence in what they can do (rather than being limited), suggesting that Daryl may be exploring exercise-related goals. Daryl's clients surpass expectations and no longer just seek clinical advice or exercise prescriptions because they suddenly get everything they need in one place. Most importantly, each review acknowledges Daryl for his outstanding physical therapy services before paying attention to one area of improvement. Clients can generally witness professional development and honest sickness management throughout the comments.