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Fresh delivers top-tier internet marketing work. Hence, Fresh doesn't chase quick wins; we make and deliver effective internet marketing strategies to meet each customer's expectations. Our mission is to serve every client with integrity and do the right job. Fresh Traffic takes local businesses and US companies online and helps them achieve their online goals. We want to maximize your return on investment in internet marketing (ROMI). This increased visibility leads to increased traffic and sales, which is good for business. The internet is a dynamic and complex environment for our team. Advertising on the internet is similar to navigating a labyrinth that changes every day. Each niche is limited to one client, so we will only take on one customer. We exclusively prioritize your company's success in the online market. In the long run, although the implementation of SEO may be slow and steady, it is a cost-effective solution to increase customer conversions. You can get immediate satisfaction and quick outcomes by using PPC to improve your SEO strategies. To attract more customers to visit your site during sales, get more traffic and speed up launch or promotion of new companies, use Pay Per Click (PPC).rasing your visibility increases your sales. This is profitable for your business. However, effective online marketing is complex and sometimes frustrating for our team.éré位Jerry Booth is the creator of Fresh Traffic. Internet Marketing, SEO & Online Business Solutions since 1996 for Canadian businesses, he helps businesses grow and prosper. In 2004, he sold his company to Google. Jerry built Fresh Traffic to help customers meet their needs. Fresh Traffic Group helps Canadian companies and US businesses achieve their internet marketing goals. Jerry succeeded because he worked to meet his customers’ needs. His goal was to maximize customer revenue and profits through online marketing. We want to maximize your return on investment in internet marketing (ROMI), which increases visibility and sales. Jerry's team is focused on your success. Jerry's experience has demonstrated that PPC and SEO campaigns are the most profitable. Pay Per Click (PPC) is the quickest way to get customers to visit your website during sales or to increase traffic to a new company. PPC and SEO campaigns combine to increase your sales. You will see results because PPC brings you immediate sales. PPC also provides immediate satisfaction from customers seeing your ads. PPC is a good way to increase traffic to your website and increase your profits.