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Loans are for 90 to 180 days. Our partners' average interest rate is 32% annually. No late fees apply, but after two weeks, missed payments incur interest of 2.66% per month (32% per year). An example loan of $720, repaid in two weeks' installments of $141.97, would total $847.38 from six payments and $58.54 in interest. Other fees may apply. Extending a loan incurs interest. Insufficient funds result in a $55 charge. If you fail to pay, the collection agency will contact you. If your loan is approved, a service fee will be deducted. We adhere to Canadian laws and guidelines. Our collection department may assist in establishing new repayment conditions if any difficulties arise during the repayment plan. If the payment plan fails, we will negotiate a new agreement based on your current financial circumstances. The debtor agrees to pay all reasonable legal and extrajudicial costs incurred by the creditor in recovering money from the debtor or taken to preserve the creditor's rights under this Agreement. If the debtor doesn't settle on a payment agreement with the collector or the collection agency, their credit score will be adversely affected.
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