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Customize Your Pet's Grooming Salon Experience Right At The Store. Your Pet's Well Being First.
Pet Valu staff always receive positive reviews from customers. Numerous customers commented on the personalized service they received. They are here to help you with your questions about pets if you're new to pet ownership. There are employees who make you feel comfortable the second you walk in the door. Kaila is a big help and always goes the extra mile to find out the information. Pet Valu's cleanliness standards and COVID procedures also continue to be discussed. How trusted they are for their help with pets speaks for itself. The workers at their establishments strive every day to make sure both pets and customers are pleased. One consumer recounted a heartwarming encounter with the store's employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lori was thrilled when she visited a shop with so many adorable animals. She is a pet lover and would do anything for a furry animal to be adopted. Staff are energetic because they always seem to be enjoying themselves. Pet Valu has always been a service that I can trust with my fur babies. The staff is committed to spending quality time with each and every pet to ensure they are happy. They treat every pet the same, which results in good service. Their workers are the most polite individuals you could ever hope to speak with. I was worried about my creature, but thank God they came through for me. The personnel are excellent, and their attention to detail is scrupulous. In conclusion, serving many wonderful pets has made their job an easy one. All employees go above and beyond for the animals.