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Natalie Brezden is a family lawyer in London, Ontario, with experience helping families with the Children's Aid Society of London & Middlesex. She also supports families with custody, access, and child support struggles. Independent Legal Advice (ILA) Notary Public Commissioner for Oaths Letters of consent to travel invitations letters Visa approval letters Visit Canada letters Statutory declarations/Affidavits Legal Opinion letters about foreign divorce I believe that disputes between family members should be resolved by family members, whenever possible. Joining in to fix the problem ensures you retain control over your life. Furthermore, creating a will or an estate plan is essential. This method is advantageous because it helps you prevent conflict during a period when you may no longer be available to settle disputes. In any case, the estate is responsible for settling debts and passing down your possessions. Probate is essentially a formal process of demonstrating the validity of a will and establishing the authority of the executor. Probate process involves the courts and takes a long time, even a year. Unique legal terms and conditions must be met. A grant of probate is a legal document that certifies your will and gives your executor the authority to administer your estate. It is very essential for protecting your will. Succession law is concerned; someone who wants to challenge a will would file an application with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. They could challenge the whole will or just some specific parts. However, in Ontario, the will can be set aside if the court decides that the person preparing it lacked testamentary capacity, was unduly influenced, or coerced. If they didn’t do it properly. Separation Agreement