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Desjardins Insurance Agents by John Crowther Desjardins Insurance Agent Desjardins Insurance is the largest cooperative financial institution in Canada, a subsidiary of Desjardins Group. Desjardins Insurance is represented by Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company and Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company, which provide insurance products and services, respectively. Desjardins Agents are located in Ontario, Alberta, and New Brunswick, where they are licensed to sell insurance products to help customers select the best coverage for their needs. Desjardins has a comprehensive range of insurance products and services, including auto, business, life, and health, as well as savings products for individuals and businesses. We are also dedicated to ensuring our customers' requirements and interests are met by offering the maximum protection possible, helping them mitigate the daily risks of life, and assisting them in achieving their life objectives.