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Unwind and Focus! Four audio downloads in your email for calmness and clarity! Get our free Anxiety at ease, please, 3 minutes to Calm, Tips For Deep, Healing Sleep, or Countdown To Sleep audio files. Please, try our audio files. Perhaps you will be inspired and able to attend one of our Yoga or Meditation classes. If you like Dr. Deepak Chopra's work, Cheryl Ward, our Studio Director, is certified to teach the Chopra Centre for Wellbeing. Her passion is to spread the tested ancient wisdom given to her by Dr. Deepak Chopra. It is our mission to help you become a better individual by practicing everything we do at The Forward Motion Yoga Studio.
The feedback shows that Forward Motion Yoga Studio and its owner, Cheryl, have a unique and supportive community. Learners regard video conferencing classes and found it beneficial to maintain motivation even amid the COVID pandemic. Happy participants appreciate the supportive and engaging online class, which the trainers have crafted. The personal touch and mindfulness coaching before and after lessons are appreciated by learners. The site's deep community and physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits are described. The thoughtful instruction and encouragement of the community have been essential in creating a safe space for personal development. This means that learners are left feeling rejuvenated and better able to address the challenges of their lives. Everyone highly recommends Forward Motion Yoga Studio.