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613FIT Ottawa Weight Loss is designed to support Ottawa's working moms and dads as they shed the baby weight and injury-proof their bodies. Together, we can lose the fat, keep the joy, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We provide safe, practical, and sustainable weight loss solutions that fit into your life without having to give up wine or pasta (or working out - but you don't have to love it). We believe that fitness is part of your life, not your entire life. Our programs are meant to work for you with all your family commitments and lifestyle strains. Nevertheless, change is possible with dedicated, proven coaching and learning, individual transformation, and fitness that everyone can do. We can do it together! We believe in fully personalized meal plans for everyone (no two of our clients eat the same things!) and a "train don't drain" workout with mental/emotional coaching.
Most of the reviews posted pertain to Coach Ruslan and 613Fit. These reviews are overwhelmingly positive and have a lot of beenfit: the majority of people who have completed the two camps claim they lost tremendous fat because of the weight loss camp. 613Fit Customers are saying that they feel loved and supported in the camp, and several declare they have bonded with other people in the gym. This is one of the most often mentioned ideas in the reviews. There are even customers who have lost up to 30 pounds doing Ruslan's coaching. A great deal of people have also had emotional pain in the camp and want to lose some weight. The different methods of the Ruslan weight loss program could vary in ethnicity and background, but all sense that they owe their significant weight loss to the knowledge of Coach Ruslan. There are a few bad reviews. One particular reviewer laments what he or she sees as unfair treatment at the gym that they believe results in a hostile feeling. Another 613Fit review is from a customer who says he or she encounters racism toward customers. Despite infrequent incidents of unfair treatment, 613Fit reviews demonstrate that Coash Ruslan has maintained a genuinely positive and communal fitness environment. For example, various clients have come to Coach Ruslan after failing to lose weight under other diet and exercises compaigned. With his one-on-one weight loss care, Ruslan makes creating weight loss diets simple and successful. The clients then combined this with targeted exercise plans, further boosting their success.