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MEC Ottawa is passionate about helping everyone enjoy outdoor activities. We are an outdoor gear, clothing, and services company. Our goal is to outfit members with the best value gear that suits their needs. Our passion, experience, and expertise differentiate us from other companies. Our products are of higher quality and performance and lower prices. Remember to listen actively during transactions. All purchases are made in good faith. Our core values are honesty, fairness, and integrity. A united community is essential as people working together can achieve great things. We value original ideas and new perspectives on the world. These insights help us grow and build a lasting legacy. Leaders lead by example. We lead by motivating others to take action for humanity and the planet. We actively, frequently, and generously restore and preserve wild places. We embrace a lifestyle that is richly experienced, adventurous, and full of love, learning, and wonder.
Most reviews refer to Outdoor Equipment Co-op's (MEC) superb customer service. Customers, such as one who needed rock-climbing shoes, are regularly surprised and impressed by the personalized assistance they receive. They can be found in every department, all of which are well-stocked with high-quality gear. When users face difficulties, such as defects in expensive items, it appears that a helpful employee is never far away. One customer was able to return a defective canoe and have it quickly replaced. The business appears to have numerous sales and an excellent returns policy, which is both consumer-friendly and generous. This appears to be why customers return to MEC, with one reviewer stating that they would suggest MEC to others. Service quality seems consistent and the reviews indicate a tradition of employees who like what they do. User after user reports walking away happy and satisfied with their shopping experience, which usually includes buying an expensive item. A good store, particularly for hiking and climbing equipment, where complete customer satisfaction appears to be a priority.
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