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The preschool program mirrors the schedule of Regina Public Schools. Preschoolers are not allowed on non-school days. This includes teacher convention and professional development days, conference days, and stat holidays. Mindful Heart Preschool provides an enriching and safe environment for your children. Preschoolers can try new things, ask questions, and exercise their critical thinking skills. They will also learn new languages, practice science experiments, and engage in social play. Preschoolers will learn math principles and conduct scientific research. These activities may aid in increasing their concentration, memory, and critical thinking. Expand lessons by conducting them outdoors and dancing indoors. The Preschoolers will strive to develop the intellectual, emotional and social skills they need to succeed in kindergarten. Preschoolers will be familiarized with school and classroom sounds, which helps them to enter kindergarten more easily.
Mindful Hearts Preschool and Miss M have garnered positive reviews from parents and other family members. They appreciate the educational content the school provides to the students. Miss M is eager to meet the expectations of the children, consistent, and has shown emotional warmth to them. The preschool design was unpleasant, but high-quality learning packs are sent home for students to study. Depending on the conditions of COVID-19, the curriculum and health conditions are responsible. Each child is eager to attend school, join the program or see their teacher, and parents bear witness to their learning and onboard growth through various communications. It is good to find a teacher who values and guarantees your child's safety outside the home. These testimonials are essential, offering definitive judgment for Mindful Hearts Preschool and would encourage a potential client to secure Miss M's services.