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Chartier Arnold Brock Shimp & Associates is a private psychological practice with psychiatrists and neurofeedback techs and registered psychologists and associates with doctoral or master's degrees. The author of this manuscript is Brian Chartier, Ph.D., acquired at the University of Saskatchewan in clinical psychology in 1985, who founded the practice. Additionally, he has been an associate professor of psychology, the University of Saskatchewan from 1982 till 2018. His work has been published or is forthcoming in the International Journal of Indigenous Health, Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, CanadaaEUR(TM), Canada's Mental Health, and Saskatchewan Medical Journal. His courses include professional ethics and psychological assessment. His papers have been presented at annual meetings of both the Canadian Psychological Association and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. In 2018, he retired from St. Thomas More College and became a professor emeritus in psychology. Many clients have been assisted in grief and loss therapy. He does a wide range of psychological assessments, including assessments for claimants in the Independent Assessment Process, Saskatchewan government-funded examinations of the Indian residential schools' impact on claimants. He acquired his boards with SasktoonaEUR (TM), Family Service Saskatoon, and Association for Death Education and Counseling. His work has involved the grief work he has facilitated for the Grief Ministry workshops.
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