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Stone Script Inspections is proud to provide the Saskatoon area with thorough, proven inspections. Our on-the-job training, specialized equipment, and extensive knowledge allow us to deliver exceptional inspections and reports so you can confidently make your decision. The inspector has a diverse background and comprehensive contractor expertise. Your home inspection should follow the Standards of Practice (and Code of Ethics). Stone Script Inspections consistently surpasses these standards. Purchasing a home is a major decision. Our business is founded on trust. You must feel assured that your inspector can grasp the big picture and the small details. Inspection is more than just an occupation. We live and breathe this passion every day. The client will receive a digital version of the inspection report. A hard copy is available upon request. The inspection report uses colors to highlight various findings, regardless of their relevance. These reports are typically delivered within 24 hours. A meeting can be organized to go over the report and address any repair or potential modifications. Every pre-purchase report includes a free concierge service. It includes a foundation, mechanical, and sewer warranty. We also provide recall inspections on all appliances now and ahead.
Derek's positive and thorough reviews commend Derek for his efficiency and excellent professional services, mainly in the home inspection field. He is acclaimed for his dedication and the capacity to highlight minor and major defects in multiple homes, including maintenance tips, thus giving the client an edge. Superior service is assured during the inspection and preparation, alongside excellent communication and report generation. A clear summary of the results without bias has been discussed in customer reviews, establishing a solid base for the writer to suggest that clients consider seeking his services. All this manifests a dedicated and timely professional, which is a rare commodity. No doubt, Derek has excellent qualities that endear him to the clients and find his services a great pleasure.