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Knowledge Quest Learning Center Almaden Valley tutors all grades with remedial and remediation. Jasna Knowledgeles started the institution in 1995 and has touched many lives in San Jose and the Bay Area. The founder holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and an M.Ed., specializing in special education and learning issues. Ms. Knowles has taught algebra of private and public schools. She has also made an impact on hundreds of students in Britannica and Sylvan. Jasna has noticed the struggle some students with learning disabilities and other learning barriers undergo. She recognized that such students could not be taught in huge schools or even small classes. KnowledgeQuest believes in the potential of all students to succeed. KnowledgeQuest's goal is for all students to achieve their full potential. KnowledgeQuest's staff works together with Ms. Knowles to provide a personalized learning experience. KnowledgeQuest's staff agrees that tutoring is more effective when the student’s home and school are involved.
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