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Northeastern University in San Jose was founded in 1898. It is a world-class research university recognized for its commitment to high-quality experiential education. Its experiential learning program is the cornerstone of the world's biggest and most groundbreaking cooperative education institution. Universally, our college curriculum combines classroom instruction with professional and community service. It offers global opportunities across 128 nations. Its research-informed enterprise strategically supports three global challenges: security, health, and sustainability. Northeastern offers a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs, including nine doctoral programs and some dual-degree programs at regional campuses in Charlotte and Seattle. San Jose's campus combines interdisciplinary learning with a robust research environment to produce lifelong global learning. Founded on an innovative concept, the university wanted to create a higher education institution that would blend students' coursework with experiential opportunities in their academic fields. An institution should support students by working with communities directly and collaborating with employers. Over time, the university has increased the scale of its community and level of engagement, leading to the inception of co-op. This is the core of the world's best experiential learning program. It is in its expanded form, representing hybrid solutions. This concept is in a stage of global implementation, working with more than 3350+ employers in 128 countries. (Northeastern University) Northeastern is recognized for its focus onDataChange, the foundation of its global research and educational partnerships. Its most recent examples of this collaboration are the Seattle and Charlotte regional campuses. Northeastern works with local people to encourage education and economic growth, just as it did in 1898.