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Survival Frog is the most trusted and reliable online source of survival products used in the US, Canada, and across the globe. We are proud to offer preparation and outdoor gear in our online store as we provide only preparedness products. We do not operate retail stores. Our customers include organizations and individuals at all levels — from beginners to experts. We also educate and encourage every customer who is ready to fight for their family and friends to have the necessary survival equipment. With a minimum 72-hour stockpile, everyone should prepare for any potential threat. We aim to give our customers an excellent shopping experience every time by making survival and preparation simple.
Reviews of Survival Frog company's service and products are overwhelmingly positive. Customers have praised the company's outstanding customer service team's friendliness and responsiveness, with many expressing delight at the quick response to their inquiries. The team's ability to resolve any issues promptly makes customers confident in the company. \n One client thanked them for the “excellent service” and said the radio was exactly what they wanted. They wanted a white-tip USB cable and received a black tip. This was the only downside. They did point out that it was a minor issue. \n Everyone who has not yet received their products has nothing to say about the products they purchased. The most common praises are for Survival Frog's product line. \n They have noted that the items they purchase are of high quality and are always packaged carefully. One of Survival Frog's products has yet to be tried by another. Everyone else adores them. They applaud the Zippo lighter's prolonged battery life and potential longevity. \n One respondent purchased the water bricks and QuadPods. When she was deciding on the number of items she should get, she communicated with James. In the review, she mentioned that he is considerate and accommodating. His tone is professional yet friendly. A few respondents who shared their experiences with online shopping said they had terrible customer service and didn't get what they bought. So everyone waits not only for the Survival Frog products but also for their customer service.
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