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It could have been your dog unintentionally falling downstairs or your Chihuahua eating candy late at night. Possibly, your cat got into lily flowers on July 4th. Despite the timing, pet emergencies are inevitable. Nonetheless, not all clinics are open round the clock. Veterinary Emergency Group responds by offering a client-centered emergency pet healthcare model only staffed by skilled professionals. Our mission is to offer care from a pet owner's perspective. Thus, we allow you to remain with your pet throughout the entire emergency. Pet emergencies are challenges, but we have the emergency handle on them.
The Veterinary Emergency Group at 238 East Bearss Avenue in Tampa has received plenty of thanksgiving due to their compassionate and highly professional veterinarians. When Pets Ripley, Panda, and Blessing were presented in emergencies, the vet service came to the rescue with minimal waiting times, thorough assessments, and clear communication that resulted in pets feeling better under the comprehensive care provided. The company radiates positivity thanks to its staff that are empathetic and sympathetic to pet owners at their times of distress. They take the emotional turmoil out of the situation with much appreciated personalized attention. They are well-coordinated, giving an impression of teamwork and diligent work ethics that make clients feel appreciated and welcome with a priority given to the pets. Therefore, their highly recommended emergency veterinary care with integrity deserve the 5-star rating in their service delivery.
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