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Since our ongoing service is the key to being a bypass recognized restoration company, individuals have often relied on SERVPRO. The franchisee, along with its owner, is affiliated with BBB and BOMA to aid the local businesses. This involvement allows them to understand what commercial property, entertainment venues, and healthcare facilities throughout Chicago require.
Reviews overwhelmingly single out Raul, praise his meticulousness and kindness, and describe how these attributes help customers through difficult, complex situations. Raul and Alex are well liked and considered the best at their jobs, with many reviews from customers expressing how they are pleased with the duo's swift and effective work in troublesome environments. The majority of comments on the site appear to evaluate Raul and Alex's professionalism and quality of service, and they commend ServePro for having such a dedicated and approachable employee in both regular and unusual circumstances. Raul is a gem, many reviewers indicate, and the reviews of them are so good that they contrast with their counterparts. Reviewers focus on Raul's and Alex's attention to detail, kindness, and sincerity in particularly trying circumstances, to the degree that one comes to include anecdotes about how they proved invaluable during significant disasters. The overall assessment of both Raul and Alex was that they are accomplished, caring specialists skilled at their work.