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At the Louisville Academy of Music, indigenous nations and peoples are included as part of our history. This encompasses the Shawnee and Osage tribes, Hopewell and Hopewell peoples, the region's original inhabitants. They were removed wrongly, and we admit that as a community. We remember them as we work and play here at The Louisville Academy of Music. Over 50 different zip codes bring more than 400 kids to Louisville Academy of Music for music, voice, and composition classes every week. At LAM, we are a community of musicians. LAM fosters a strong culture of deep connection through music between students and teachers. They are given a supportive learning atmosphere and a collaborative musical experience. We touch over 3,000 individuals annually in over 25 Kentuckiana communities using our Community Music Programs. Louisville Academy of Music holds that music should be available to all. Therefore, we are dedicated to removing barriers and establishing pathways to music education. Playing an instrument might lead to many professions. Our mission is education, mentorship, and support for all students regardless of their socioeconomic status.
Most students and their parents seem to believe that the Louisville Academy of Music is a fantastic place for music lessons. For the majority of 5 years that kids have been studying music at LAM, parents have commented on how happy, skilled, and patient the teachers are. Many children look forward to their lessons, and the community at the school offers all the support a young music-oriented person needs. Many parents reported that they believed the school's teachers to be kind, well-trained, and willing to adapt to their children's needs. Including their great teaching, LAM teacher will accommodate their students' schedules and even provide lessons through Zoom. In addition to individual instruction, students can participate in workshops led by guest artists who can't wait to share their love of music, which helps students grow quickly. Many parents find their children's recitals inspiring. Some people worry that violin lessons will be a waste of time, but the excellent teacher can rekindle their child's desire to learn. Gary Pearson and Sara Soltau have always been there for the students. For them, the school's future looks bright as the new owners maintain the same friendly atmosphere and add new programs that students can take advantage of. Most individuals believe that the Louisville Academy of Music is an extraordinary music school that you won't find anywhere else in town, catering to every age and having lots of programs for you. The most satisfying part of their business is that music should be a forum for learning from peers, so they should make sure their student is working with the age-appropriate instructor to avoid feeling left out because the process will be even more enjoyable. Lastly, they also offer a short course for kids and their mothers to help the parents who want to teach their kids themselves. These people like that aspect because it helps the parent guide for their kids. Other than that we also sell the instrument that you need and give the price to make it affordable. The music community has proven that if you catch your child's interests early on, the effects of it will start showing for the rest of your kid life.