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Schaefer Halleen, LLC, is a law firm that represents individuals and groups who have been harmed by criminal conduct on the part of corporations or governments. These principles will direct our future growth and inform clients of our values and approach to work. Our three principles are excellence, results, and dedication. Schaefer Halleen is a Minneapolis law firm that specializes in protecting individual rights through employment law remedies. Our goal is to provide a voice to workplace harassment victims. You can contact us for a private legal consultation. Let us assist you in resolving your legal concerns.
The reviews laud Schaefer Halleen as fantastic, lauding Peter, Lauren, and Larry for their professionalism, compassion, feedback, and speed during cases. They have significant law desposition and exhibit attention, Tim and Darren putting in extra hours to make sure customers are delighted and that their customers are treated as individuals with their unique needs and expectations. Summarily, the client rated the law firm extremely high for the goals and wishes satisfaction. That lawyers often provide spectacular legal advice to their clients. Thank you, customers. Thank you for your continuous support of our lawyers.