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Harmony Recovery Center
Harmony Recovery Center
Harmony Recovery Center
Harmony Recovery Center

Harmony Recovery Center

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11403 N Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28262, USA Get Directions
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Service Sub Service Average Price Range (USD)
Therapy Services Individual Therapy
$100 - $150 Call to Book
Group Therapy
$50 - $100 Call to Book
Family Therapy
$150 - $200 Call to Book
Medication Management Initial Consultation
$150 - $200 Call to Book
Medication Review
$75 - $100 Call to Book
Ongoing Medication Management
$100 - $150 Call to Book
Housing Services Residential Treatment
$400 - $600 Call to Book
Sober Living
$300 - $500 Call to Book
Supportive Housing
$200 - $400 Call to Book
Nutritional Guidance Nutritional Assessment
$75 - $100 Call to Book
Meal Planning
$50 - $75 Call to Book
Nutritional Counseling
$100 - $150 Call to Book
Life Skills Training Job Readiness
$100 - $200 Call to Book
Social Skills Development
$50 - $100 Call to Book
Financial Management
$75 - $125 Call to Book
ABOUT   Services Excellence Summary

When Recovery In Tune opened in 2015, our first Florida location, it was the start of our journey. Our goal was to create a therapeutic environment for people with substance use disorders where they could feel safe. Substance abuse treatment needs high quality, personalized, and evidence-based practices. We have made it our mission to provide the best services possible in Charlotte, North Carolina, where such services are severely lacking. Our focus is on compassionate outpatient substance abuse treatment that caters to the individual. We are also evidence-based and outcomes-focused. Our target is to surpass the mediocre standard of care that patients in Charlotte and North Carolina typically face. Our Vision To provide individualized treatment for our patients in an evidence-based approach in a caring, comfortable, and supportive environment. We aim to support patients in their journey to sobriety and to ensure respect for their inherent dignity and rights. We aim to achieve this by fostering a culture of trust, respect, and accountability among ourselves and others. Our Pledge We strive to create and maintain the highest standards by constantly upgrading and adjusting our programs according to our patients' needs. We are committed to supporting our patients throughout their recovery process by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of their addiction and any underlying conditions that may be contributing to patient

behavior, as well as tools and skills necessary to embrace sobriety for the rest of their lives. We also strive to create an atmosphere of empowerment for our patients, allowing them to reach their full potential. We know that individuals must believe that they can make a difference in their lives. When they do, they are allowed to change their story. Our goal is to help them find that sense of self-efficacy where self-improvement and awareness can be part of their overall journey to recovery. Let us help you start your journey now!


SUMMARY   Reviews Summary

The reviews primarily indicate that Harmony Recovery Center - a leading addiction treatment facility employs skilled and caring therapists who significantly influence clients' recovery journeys. There are several clients, such as Kristen, Evelyn, and Alecia, who mention their therapists making a big difference. They commend these therapists for their understanding and empathy. For example, clients appreciated Kristen's support for self-reliance, Evelyn's family-focused approach, and Alecia's positive influence, which has helped her identify her strength, work with peers, and address marital issues in these care journeys. They also admire the passion of other professionals like Stephanie and Ashley. The writers said the facility's staff had touched many customers. Harmony Recovery Center is notably described as a peaceful, inspiring, warm, and supportive environment, with the therapists doing their best to change everyone's life. Client reviews are endorsed for a person's journey of recovery, and therapists are fully supported. This recovery center is highly recommended for a better situation.


Caroline left a 1 star review
On TrustAnalytica
Mar 19

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Harmony Recovery Center Reviews: 100. Average Rating: 3.8

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Hi welcome to my ted talk, Im writting this review while i am at housing since im leaving tomrrow. this place is so bad. first off you dont even meet your therpasit until you are seven days in to the program and every other facility that i have been to you usually meet them on your seocnd or third day at best. second they dont tell you about the housing situation at all till you get there so let me explain it to you. you live 30-45 minutes away from housing which i get because when i got here i found out it is php and not a recidential facility. Third i dont know if she is a doctor or a psychatrist but the person i was working with for my meds didnt even wanna look at my old record with my psychatrist back where i live in ohio she said and i quote you need a new treatment plan. She had asked what meds i have tried and what ive been on which is quite hard for me to remember saying that ive been on so many different medications that i dont rememebr so i told her and i recommended to her hey can i sign an roi so you can talk to my psychatrist back in my town that i have seen since i was 12-13 years old that knows my situation. and thats when she said that. so let me actually tell you about the time when i arrived to the facility. Me and my mom arrivved around 9:30 at the very latest got in and got asked by 5 different people hey what are you here for who do you need to see stuff like that we got told someone will be with you shortly 20 minutes go by nothing happens so mom texted the guy that i didnt my admissions with and he has been the most helpful person in this situation so shout out to shawn i dont know how you spell it but you did amazing so mom texted him to tell him what was going on then the head bhc got told by the director to start my case managment paper work she asked where all my stuff was and i said out in the car and she said go ahead and bring it in, in very muchy a bitchy attitude like she doesnt even wanna be there at all. so thats when my anxiety started setting in and i felt very helpless and hopeless and unwanted in that time. so i went back out to the car that me and mom drove down here in saying we drove 8 hours to this place to get the help i need and not even 20 minutes sitting in the facility i already felt unwanted by the team. so i went out to the car and had a mental breakdown like a legit crying and saying they make me feel so unwanted that i told my mom this place isnt gonna work i knew it right off the bat. but i decided to give it a couple days to see if they could turn my mind around to see if they actually wanted to help me or not. but it gets worse, i had gotten there on a thursday morning to put that in perspevitve first thing i get told with mom right next to me is that they dont provide dinner you hvae to make that by yourself at the house which i didnt really mind because i love to cook and i know how to. but for the people that dotn know how to cook thats a little disheatning for them to here. but wait it gets worse cause my mom was told that they provide all the meals at the facility which isnt true at all the proivde lunch and breakfast. lunch has been good sicne i got there but breakfast usually just consists with either cereal or something frozen that you have to heat up in there microwave. but lunch is usually caitered in by a company of some sort. and then sunday since your not at the facility you have to cook yourself three meals for that day which is hard for thepeople that cant cook. but they do take you on an outing on sundays that really isnt related to treatment which gives us a nice break because php is there 6 days a week. but my first and only saturday there we were in group and the other patients told the facilitaters that they usually say this is the bullshit day to where they watch movies and dont really haveto do anything which is very disheartingi to me because i wanna get the treatmant i need from the groups. which is another thing it might have just been the group im in but everyone is very disrespectful and disruptive in the groups. they sit on there phones that we are aloud to have 24/7 which is also another story and they sit there and vape in the room and on the group rules it says no vaping in the room and no being on your phone. another issue with this facility which doesnt help me the most is that they let you have your phone the whole time which in this day is age for me especially doenst help me stay treatment focused at all with all the social media and stuff. but onto more staff issue i had come in on the monday after i got there and i had walked up to the case manager and told her hey i need a higher level of care this isnt really gonna help me in this point in time. i explain to her my situation about the housing and the staff there and she said ok i had alreayd found another place to go over the weekend and had already done the intake and assessment with them and had gotten accepted into there program. but i told the case manager specifaclly hey i am not trying to go ama at all which stands for againt medical advice because i wnated to go to another different facility to get the higher level of treatment i needed. i then went downstairs into the mental health group and i proticipated and advocated for myself my concerns about how this isnt the help i need at this point in time and the program leader was very proud of me for that so shout at to elois i think is her name not 100 percent on that but she is one of the better program leaders there. so on are 15 minute break i had went upstairs to talk to the nurse because i had got prescirbed some medication that i was suppsoe to start on saturday that i had never got and the "doctor" that preciribed them if you want to call them that even told me she was gonna see me in seven days to see how they are working. But i still havent gotten all of them i got one of the meds for my mental health and that was the mood stabalizer when in all reality i really needed the bipolar medication which still hasnt arrived. so i went upstairs and talked to the nurse she was really really helpful in that point of time i had explained to her my situation and she said can you at least stick it out till we get your meds i had said yes becuase i thought i was gonna get them that night and i wasnt planning on leaving until wendnesday that week anyway so i agreed to that. but yet that bipolar medication still hasnt arrived and i was told that she was gonna pull me aside later in the day to talk about it and i never got pulled back aside to figure out what was going on. another issue i/they had is with the pharmacy they are charging copays with the meds which is kinda difficult and doesnt sit right with me because we had met the insurance out of pocket max for both the medications and the treatment facility earlier in the year. but i had went back downstairs after that meeting with the nurse that i had to go find her and ask what was going on with it because i needed to start the bipolar medication because its been getting worse. so i went back downstairs and i told the lady that i thought was my therapist which turned out she wasnt and explained to her i was like hey im not trying to leave ama i just need a higher level of care then what you guys can prvoide at the moment and she said ok she was gonna look into it after she had a meeting with the client she was gonna see that she had been pulling aside while i had been walking down to her pulling out of group. so i went back into the group and it was the same program leader which i was very grateful for. but lunch time has rolled around and i was sitting in the group room eating lunch cause they really dont have a speicfic place for you to eat at the facility even though they feed you two meals. and the lady that i thought was my therapist came in and started talking to me about my situation she then pulled me into her office to talk more about it because i obiviously had been getting frustrated that nothing had been getting set into motion to get get me transfered without getting an ama because insurnace doesnt pay when you ama and my parents really dont need that stress of paying for a faciltiy on top of everythign else that has been going on in my familys house but i get told by who i thought was my therpaist they put me on an ama risk. that sent me over the edge because im not trying to go ama im trying to get the level of care i need that i know they cant provide. i then start talking to her like hey the onyl reason i pulled you aside was because i thought you are my therapist and thats when she told me she wasnt my therapist and my therpaist i havent even met with yet which is very strange to me like i said ive been to several different facilites that you meet your therapist almost right away so they can start working on a treatment plan with you. and not some hire up person that gets to know you more than your actual therapist. but as the day progress my frustration and anger and irratibily starts building up because i called my mom and explained to her that the only way i was gonna get the hire level of care is if i go ama and she no you cant go ama because then insurance wont pay for it which i get. but it started making me upset and i started crying not necisarlly having a melt down but having a melt down at the same time i start not necisarlly yelling at my mom but my voice level got a little high because she keeps saying you need to give that place a chance you need to give that place a chance and i said i already have seen enough since the moment i had walked in that door and waited 20 minutes for help. then the director whos office was right next to the room that i was sitting by myself in cause i had walked out of group so i wouldnt be disruptive being on my phone heard my voice getting raised he had come out of his "meeting" that he was in to see what was going on i explained to him my frustrationsof what was going on because the best person to know what i need is myslef right i knwo the level of treatment i need and whats best for me. and mom was trying to get ahold of someone to talk to her about how not to go ama againt this place. the director then told me my therapist was gonna call her so i said ok so i expectred my mom to be called in the next 10-20 minutes or so nope that didnt happen so i called my mom and started telling her she needed to push to get someone to talk to her and again my voice level got raised and the director walks in for a seocnd time i told him you need to call my mom and figure out a solution to my problem here so i can get the correct treatment he then proceeds to call my mom. and he told me i need to stick it out and give this place a chance i told him i had already seen enough my first day to see this place wasnt gonna be helpful or benaficial on my treatment path at all. so i then proceed to go upstsairs to talk to stephine to try and talk to her she was busy with a patient so i asked her hey can i talk to you after your done with her and she said yea i never got pulled aside by her at all which is so frustrating so i started walking around the building to anyone that can try and help me like im trying not to go ama i really dont want to go ama i kept explaing to anyone that would listen to me. by the end of the day at 4:30 we get on the van to load nobody had helped me figure out how not to go ama so they are basically pushing me to go ama to get the proper care i need to get better so by the end of the day i was so fed up with everythign that im gonna go ama to get the proper help i need and that desion finally happened at 8pm becuase i had to talk my parents into going ama to get the proper treatment cause even my dad said and still says that the phone is my biggest issue. there has been alot more stuff that has gone on with housing and stuff as well at the girls house there is roachs and mice droppings everywhere in the house i thinks thats why tehcincally the housing and the treatment faiclity are two seprate things cause they faciilty doesnt want to take responisbility for whats going on in the houses. which is another sign of complete laziness from the company. and around 3pm i got pulled by my actual therpaist and i told her the istuation i am in and she told me as i was trying to explain to her this isntthe right fit for me she kept sayikng to tough it out you dont know whats best for you like i do know whats best for me like you dontknow whats going on inside my head at all that made me so frustrated that i walked out of her office super upset and had walked outside to get some fresh air. at that point most facilities would have someone follow you and make sure your ok but no that didnt happen at all i sat outside by myslef and kept getting more frustrated by the moment sitting outside by myself having no faicliators talking to me or making sure i was ok. that i walked back inside and sat down in a room and another person finally talked to me. i was sitting in the room she came and pulled me and she said you cant sit here alone i should have told her i sat outside alone with out superivsion so whats the difference with being inside and no supervision. like that makes no sense to me at all. but anyways like i said earlier theres laot more that has happened but just know going into this treatment facility your not gonna get the actual help you need or get the resocurse to get the help you need and they dont evne wanna help you or at least most of the main staff doesnt but that group leader i mentioned earlier is really great she had inspired me like so many others to become one of them once i get better to help the people throught the same stuff but seeing the otherstaff there not help me is such a let down and not getting the help i need. PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO GET BETTER DONT GO HERE FOR MENTAL HEALTH RELATED STUFF GO ELSE WHERE AND GET THE ACTUAL TREATMENT AND ATTETION YOU DESERVE IN THIS WORLD AND ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE and yes i know my spelling is absoulty horrible so hopefully you get the message im trying to get through on here. this place absoulty sucks ass.
Caroline left a 1 star review
On TrustAnalytica
11 months ago

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