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Our Chelsea practice offers personalized care. Chelsea Orthodontics and Clear Aligners is here to provide personalized service. Dr. Seligman is a national Damon Braces expert and frequently speaks about the advantages of Damon Braces in large venues. Dr. Seligman personally treats patients. This 16-year orthodontic veteran has a big heart and offers individualized care. He can treat many conditions, including crowded teeth and missing teeth. You deserve a beautiful smile! Clear Aligners can help you. These are a great alternative to braces. Clear Aligners are right for you if you do not want unsightly metal in your mouth. Braces can make you feel self-conscious. Some people may believe that metal braces are a social stigma. This is not the case. Clear Aligners are made using state-of-the-art computer technology. This helps you achieve your perfect smile faster. Your plan can be created to meet discrete goals. Insignia Braces: If you want the shortest possible treatment, ask about your options. Dr. Seligman can tell you more about Insignia Braces. He will work with you to create a treatment plan. Braces are not one-size-fits-all. Braces that work for you! Braces can be tailored to help you align your teeth. Dr. Seligman can coordinate your orthodontic treatment with other dental work. Learn more about why clear aligners are the best solution for your teeth!
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