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PAY PARAPHRASE: Welcome to 3Sisters Sustainable Management, LLC Ten Years. Impact investment fund Our investee and investor network in the US has made us strong. Venture with us, and invest in funds that make the world better. Loyal Solutions. New Outlooks. Sustainable Futures. At Scarab Fund, our expert team offers schemes that have proven success socially, economically, and environmentally. Different funds, different impacts. Surprisingly stable. Our new and long-standing funds provide a range of investment options that have two advantages; a consistent income and knowing that your investments are changing the world. Empirical research and global corporate behavioural norms indicate that ethical and responsible actions increase share prices and profits in the long term. Our values prioritize this changing environment and strive to promote these values in our community. As a pioneer in the realms of US domestic investments, we are proud of our track record in accomplishing concrete and innovative solutions. Pay Paraphrase