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Chasity Grice is a Memphis, Tennessee-based attorney hailing from Tennessee. She is a native and currently serves with the Tennessee and Texas bars. Magna Cum Laude earned a Bachelor of Arts in English at Clark Atlanta University. She graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Law with a Juris Doctor and focused on Transactional Tax Planning. This is where she honed her skills and developed her track record. She worked in several Certified Public Accounting firms. Her focus was on estate planning, and it helped her build the foundation for her law firm. Ms. Grice later opened her law firm in Memphis. She concentrated on estate planning, probate, and family law. She had one junior attorney working with her; hence, she had to delegate tasks. She was in charge of estate tax planning as an experienced lawyer at the firm. Chasity helped her clients in various estate planning and management aspects. She helped them set up their wills, living trusts, and other documents. She also set up charitable trusts and family limited partnerships. In addition, Chasity prepared estate tax, gift, and fiduciary tax returns (ZoomInfo, II). She made sure that the strategies she executed were successful for all her clients. As a result, Chasity always updated these strategies when needed. She also trained the accounting staff on the preparation and planning of estate tax and gift tax (Grice, I). In 2010, Ms. Grice formed the Grice Legal Firm, where she specialized in estate planning, fiduciary law, and estate administration.