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Hows Bentley is an online forum. He is a Turbo Terrier rather than a 20-pound male Australian Terrier. Turbo Terrier is what Bentley is affectionately known as due to his curious and energetic nature. Bentley was born in 1999 and is now aged 22 years. He is a Turbo Terrier who has been my teacher in my life as a human being. Bentley is responsible for teaching me the best way to live a life well-lived. In my interactions with canines and people, I have learned the most effective way to instruct them is not by providing them with texts on how to teach their dogs to sit, lie down, and stay. There are over thousand books, websites, and magazines that teach static training information on how to accomplish what individuals want. Many households do not achieve their goals of teaching their dog how to be a successful family member. Bentley’s Group Obedience Mini Course is a great way to train your dog using positive reinforcement and humane training methods. This course teaches you how to think like a dog trainer, which is almost as important as the training exercises you will learn throughout the program. While the majority of our training lessons will take place during our group meeting, most of the learning occurs between these bit-sized training sessions (Bentley, 2021).
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