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The Green Law Firm, P.C. and its dedicated team of professionals are committed to fighting against corporate negligence and greed. We are driven by the desire to give a voice to the voiceless and protect the rights and interests of families in Texas. We assure a just outcome in any case, big or small. Large corporations may intimidate or make you feel that justice is unreachable, but you have nothing to worry about. No lawsuit is too complex, big, or small for the Green Law Firm to handle. We will take your case as far as necessary to obtain the compensation and justice you deserve. Car accidents are unpleasant, regardless of whether you caused them intentionally or not. Texas is home to some of the deadliest car accidents in America, from minor vehicular collisions to catastrophic accidents. One might think that the constant movement of vehicles on the road requires the realization that crashes are inevitable due to traffic and other driver distractions today. The consequences of the car crash might take a toll on everyone involved. Car accidents can hurt your life for good. The results are overwhelming because there are medical expenses left to cover, mental and emotional distress, and other burdens that the accident may bring on not just you, but also the people around you. About 2.5 million car accidents are reported in the United States every year, with 41,000, being fatal. These deaths could have been prevented if only the necessary precautions were taken. The recent PSAs, automotive companies' strive for safety, and other attempts are not reducing the number of accidents on our roads. The damage caused by car accidents is not limited to pain and suffering. Victims face a range of injuries caused by these accidents, from whiplash to internal injuries, and even concussions. Sadly, the damage does not stop there. You may end up losing a loved one due to a car accident.
Most reviews commend the amazing customer service and service dedication provided by JP Macias and various Green Law Firm team members. Many people talk about how the firm helped them navigate the various issues one would have after a sensitive and stressful car accident, with many thanking them for the professional and emotional support. Also, some reviewers commented on the responsiveness and professionalism of the communication from the Green Law Firm, making them feel comfortable and supported during a challenging time. Everyone, without exception highly recommended the firm as very compassionate with active expertise before, throughout and after a very traumatic automobile accident.
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