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Clearview's strategy for the past 24 years has been to obtain profitable assets almost every year since its inception. In 1995, the company acquired a commercial building with excellent access and future growth potential before the Savings and Loans Crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Clearview acquired two similar assets with the same characteristics in 1998 and 2000, after booms in the late 1990s. In 2005, the firm made a significant disposition due to market conditions and bought another one in 2012. As valuations have increased while the economic outlook has weakened, Clearview has curtailed its acquisition activity in pursuit of more opportunities. We have increased our disposition of unneeded assets on our balance sheet at present, while we continue to monitor defensive-oriented real estate as well as the search for the proverbial "needle-in-the-haystack" opportunities. Our market research experts, including brokers, lenders, and development partners from around the world who consult us as analysts and economists, have allowed us to closely monitor and analyze market indicators and trends. As a result, we can quickly and decisively act to counter the effects of the changing flow of capital in the markets.