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Finding quality Texas health insurance can be daunting. We, at Insurance4Dallas, are committed to helping our customers. Insurance4Dallas is an HUB, SBE and NMSDC accredited brokerage focused on concierge service to help individuals and businesses save on health insurance. We don't throw our clients into pre-made products. We tailor plans to their needs and budget. We also offer plans with low or no deductibles. Shockingly, Insurance4Dallas is Thornton Insurance Agency, LLC. This reception area has served customers for more than two decades. Many know Insurance4Dallas.com as an online resource for insurance for individuals, families, businesses, and their employees. Insurance4Dallas also offers Vision, Life, and Dental insurance products. It provides consumers with various options. Consumers can conduct research, comparison, purchase, and analysis from Insurance4Dallas. Rick Thornton founded Thornton Insurance Agency, LLC, dba Insurance4Dallas. Mr. Rick holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA in Business Strategy. He switched to the insurance industry after being diagnosed with Cancer. He was unable to obtain health insurance unless he had the option. Rick has been an insurance salesman since 1986. His customer service and passion for ensuring anyone else doesn't face similar problems set him apart. Rick is an insurance expert and constantly seeks ways to assist his clients. The fact that the debate over funding insurance exchanges or how to regulate prices for insurance does not solve the issue of rising healthcare costs is surprising. Rising medical insurance costs in America are due to out-of- control and opaque pricing practices by hospitals, pharmacies, and healthcare providers. The Affordable Care Act ensures that people get coverage by offering subsidies that lower their costs. But it should be linked to the pricing and policies of healthcare providers. Price transparency is essential. Without government subsidies, it will be hard to afford quality and affordable healthcare. You can find out more at www.ins.
Although there were many positive items customer agreed upon, Rick Thornton's aptitude, understanding of insurance field, and long term patronage were highlighted by all. His understanding of health insurance and group policies and how they meet their various needs. He received general praise for his good communication and excellent customer service, and patients on his timely, precise, and platform of choice. He was referred to as "go-to" person if you are in Dallas and nearby areas. Customers appreciated his ability to explain insurance regulations in a straightforward way and made complex application forms with a simple solution. The customers appreciated being educated on the various affordable health care options, which is important for einning. For several reviewers, Rick was beneficial, and they would recommend him to their friends and family members. In their evaluations, customers agreed that it was a welcoming environment.