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Search Pros
Search Pros
Search Pros

Search Pros

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Service Sub Service Average Price Range (USD)
SEO Services On-Page SEO
$150 - $300 Call to Book
Off-Page SEO
$200 - $400 Call to Book
SEO Audits
$100 - $200 Call to Book
Digital Marketing Google Advertising
$300 - $600 Call to Book
Facebook Advertising
$250 - $500 Call to Book
Content Marketing
$100 - $250 Call to Book
Marketing Coaching Business Strategy Sessions
$100 - $250 Call to Book
Performance Tracking
$50 - $150 Call to Book
Goal Setting Workshops
$75 - $200 Call to Book
Lead Generation Paid Search Lead Generation
$350 - $700 Call to Book
Organic Search Lead Generation
$300 - $500 Call to Book
Social Media Lead Generation
$250 - $400 Call to Book
Website Development Website Design
$1,000 - $3,000 Call to Book
Website Maintenance
$50 - $150 Call to Book
Domain Transition Services
$200 - $500 Call to Book
ABOUT   Services Excellence Summary

The growth team focuses on the unique market position of your company and aims to increase visibility in technical search (SEO) and paid search (PPC/SEM). Our results are consistent for the following reasons: our expert level technical organic search (SEO), our expert team members, PPC marketing that is ROI driven, keyword-driven content, repeatable processes, and flexible project management. We achieve results by focusing on case studies. Our Chief Growth Strategist, Brandon Clay, has helped clients achieve results for over 10 years. Josh Esposito is our project manager. He has extensive experience driving projects to completion and is customer success-oriented. Digital advertising, especially through Facebook Ads (AdWords) and Google Ads, is a great platform. These platforms can drive relevant traffic to your site and send you leads and sales. This is crucial. But we don’t stop there.


SUMMARY   Reviews Summary

Search Pros has attracted the praise of many reviewers, with many clients expressing their satisfaction. Several of them have been with Brandon and his team for a number of years and have seen tremendous growth. One client - who runs a financial coaching firm - said that when they started dealing with Search Pros three years ago, their turnover had increased by an almost inconceivable margin. Other clients' opinions are similar, with the firm revolutionizing them by increasing the number of people who reach out to them every month. This has resulted in a corresponding increase in revenue that has enabled them to expand into uncharted territories, such as transforming from a nascent senior living community to a seasoned enterprise with eight locations over the years. Brandon's team's search engine optimization prowess stands out, and as one entrepreneur remarked, they could be trusted with internet moves that catapulted them from relative obscurity to the summit. These customers' constant refrain is that Brandon's agility with internet advertising and the way he sits with them before making a decision are what enabled his business to be in the position where they are today. It's a given that you want to get the most out of your investment, so in certain sectors such as SEO, you should seek out trustworthy players like them.


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