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Westminster College is an independent, private college dedicated to learning and the education of its students. Our learners form a community that has a strong tradition of being passionately committed to educating students. We offer liberal arts, professional education, non-degree programs, and innovative programs. Our approach promotes learning and encourages students to explore ideas, ask questions, critically analyze choices, and make well-informed decisions. We promote students' active learning and personal exploration. We also ask them to take charge of their education and investigate their interests. We also encourage students to create more sustainable and just communities at global, regional, and local levels. We aspire to prepare students to thrive in a diverse and interconnected global environment. Our academic and co-curricular offerings are designed to promote various forms of engaged learning that blend theory and practice. We are anchored in a culture of innovation and creative thinking and strive for excellence.
Westminster College is reviewed excellently. Students have confirmed that the small class sizes make it easy to connect with professors and that unique classes exist. They believe such uncommon experiences have impacted them significantly. Students who experience Westminster’s beauty cite the campus as a significant part of their experience. Reviewers have noted how welcoming students and staff members are. Many students appreciate how meaningful experiences limited to service learning have transformed them. Furthermore, programs at the college are reported to give students life-changing experiences, such as visiting the Navajo reservation. Westminster's lively atmosphere and the encouragement from staff have laid a solid foundation for friends and mentors. Academic programs are rigorous, leading to student growth, with most reviewers attributing their unique experience and post-graduation success to the schools. Campus staff has been described as caring and attentive, which has helped with any delivery or study task. All of these aspects contribute to a robust understanding of various views and ways of thinking that will set a student up for success in their future. The bottom line is that the college's intimate setting fosters community within and outside the campus. The college's thoughtfully curated educational programs have the potential to be transformative. Several reviewers implied that the college is a strong supporter of the Salt Lake City community. This is a significant indicator of the school's commitment to its students and their development in and out of the classroom. According to most reviewers, Westminster offers excellent opportunities for student growth and community engagement. The college's student-centered environment and commitment to student success are evident. According to many reviewers, Westminster students are very supportive of each other. For these reasons, Westminster is proving to be an excellent choice for many students.
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