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Psychotheology AT OUR CORE | HERE, WE GROW Psychotheology Our work is at the crossroads of psychology, theology, and culture. Over a thousand students have learned to establish this contrast as a way to train pastors and therapists, counselors, and change-makers. Our mission is to build a community that is well-rehearsed in this process we conceive in the story of the woman who dared to touch the hem of Jesus' robe to discover the kindness and forgiveness she needed. We can go to the most difficult places and bring the Light of God's Presence. We do this by modeling theological learning and critical imagination, which leads our students to live lives of intellectual, relational, and spiritual vitality. Our Foundations We gather on this Zoom interface, much like the ancient synagogues where Jesus engaged in debates to discern the meaning of biblical and theological texts. This is how we faithfully engage the world, risking vulnerability and learning from one another. The difference is that what we are reading is on the screen. We fill the ancient room with text in a contemporary context. Our dialog pays attention to the intersection of diverse perspectives by holding text, culture, and soul together. Our Pedagogy We train practitioners to be skilled in the craft and ready to transform relationships. We do this work by using a three-fold lens that includes psychology, theology, and culture. This means that our programs integrate developmental psychology, counseling, pastoral psychotherapy, theology, and cultural studies. We also focus on psychotherapy, family systems, group psychology, and trauma therapy. Our emphasis is on theology, scripture, worship studies, and spiritual formation. Under the umbrella of culture, we focus on trauma, addictions, migration and justice, and spiritual practices. This model is significant and allows these three domains to intersect. This is crucial to our pedagogy. This is perfect for our ethos. Our courseseraiseprovide the foundation to interact withla the rest of the world, and our professors lead this learning.
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