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PixelStroke knows that your website should look good and function well. You need a site that makes you money. We make streamline websites and integrated websites that help you make money. SEO (search engine optimization) is the visibility of a website in the "natural" or "unpaid" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results of a search engine. What is Search Engine Optimization? SEO (search engine optimization) includes practices and techniques to increase website traffic by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results web page of search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. SEO has two components: Off-page SEO Work happens separately from your site affecting page rankings. Trust, authority, and relevance come from different websites, blogs, and publications. On-page SEO Includes making changes to your website to improve its ranking. On-page optimizations include coding structuring, high-quality content, meta-tags optimization, keyword selection, and much more. A website that is not optimized for off-page and on-page isn't meeting its full potential in search engines.
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