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Midwest Research and Evaluation is dedicated to equity. We help create a safe environment in the community as well as organisations. Our cross-cultural competence services are unmatched. We are experts in survey design, data collection, logic model, analysis, data visualization, and program evaluation methods. Midwest Research and Evaluation services all sectors. Education institutions, government, and non-profit organizations are our areas of expertise. One of the biggest challenges is the complicated nature of intercultural communication. Refugees and immigration are its other issues. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. There is no guarantee that one solution will work for all situations. Communication is an ongoing process, and it requires active communication to be successful. It also requires respect for differences and the ability to compromise. Communication is also dynamic and dependent on the situation. What works for one person could be inappropriate for another. For Pashto and Arabic, contact us in the Midwest region. Our company can handle every communication issue. Our specialty is translation and interpretation. We are the best company. Feel free to contact us for translation and interpretation.
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