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Kid-Tastic Elementary Prep & Child Care Company is over a decade of education. We have designed a curriculum that will help your child excel in all aspects. Your child will get individualized attention and support to grow at their own pace. Our Kid-Tastic team can assist you with your child's movement or specific needs. Our center focuses on each child's individual needs and offers a secure, nurturing, supportive environment where they can learn the skills they need in daily life. We have certified curriculum to promote your child's mental and emotional growth. We are happy to help with any concerns or questions. We are a childcare provider dedicated to community engagement and education. Our company offers high-quality and solution-oriented services to help children learn, grow, and develop.
Kid-Tastic Child Care consistently garners rave reviews from the parents of the center's features. Many parents praised the teachers' nurturing and supportive approach to teaching and interacting with their children. Helen, who has garnered unanimous acclaim, elicits numerous positive reviews for her nurturing and motivating attitude towards the children. Many found the curriculum and teaching at the center very beneficial to their children's growth and development. The parents highly commended the staff since they provided a quality and nurturing atmosphere for the kids. Both daycare and afterschool sessions are beneficial to the children, according to the majority of parents. Build-A-Sentence also is a well-loved activity. In terms of the Childcare Center, many positives, such as the clear communication and parent conversations, are noted to be helpful for the parents. The positive aspects included the communicative team, pick-up/drop-off services for older children during the school year, and the active learning environment. In summary, the parents have praised the center very highly. They highly recommend it and are thankful they enrolled their children. So these characteristic strengths appear to be consistent with the reviews.