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Work and family are important relationships in life, and the team understands this. Knowing your rights can boost your confidence and security at work or keep you safe if your relationship turns violent or dangerous. Family and employment are the two most important relationships in life, and the team can ensure your legal rights are protected to give you confidence and security. Ontario family law is complex. No two cases are alike. An experienced attorney will anticipate challenges, protect you from problems and lead you to a successful resolution in court. You need to be aware. Experts provide valuable information and help. The team understands that being good at work and family law means being a compassionate, hardworking attorney who pays attention to detail. Employment law is complex and ever-changing. It is difficult for employers to keep up. They also have obligations to their employees. You have many responsibilities as a business owner and don't have the time to understand workplace laws. Let our team manage your HR needs—not just efficiently and effectively but also cost-effectively. Our precautions will reduce the risk of lawsuits and allow you to concentrate on your company. It all starts with a plan.