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As a Family Law Attorney, my practice is limited to settlements, collaborative law, and mediation. I will provide unbundled or limited-scope services for specific issues or questions. I am an advisor and settlement counselor. I emphasize that divorce is not a fight to win, but a problem that needs to be resolved. I do this job because I want it to reflect my personal values. Among these values are the inherent respect and dignity of each individual, the concepts of justice, equality, and my compassion for human relationships. Furthermore, divorce does not have a predominant legal element. Emotion-based divorce issues are riddled with legitimate overtones. Based on my experience, litigation is not the best way to solve most problems. It only serves to aggravate financial and emotional burdens. As divorce is not something to win, but a problem that needs to be resolved, I prefer to use Collaborative law and Mediation as alternatives to court. In my opinion, most children and families are better served when they work together to resolve their family issues. Both Collaborative divorce and mediation have as their fundamental goal the empowerment of clients. You will feel supported emotionally and legally in your efforts to dissolve a relationship successfully. It not only encourages but also allows you and your partner to create or keep open lines of communication that are beneficial to everyone.