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At REI Co-op, we advocate for a good life outside that is well-lived. We back our products with a lifetime guarantee, and if you are unsatisfied, we will refund 100% of your purchase. We know the importance of outdoor gear that works, and we want every penny you spend to be well spent. We're a co-op, not a corporation. That means almost 70% of our profits go back to our members, our non-profit partners, and the people who work at REI. Our 100% bike shop in San Diego fills your needs. We provide top-brand bicycles, gear, and clothing for mountain and road bikers. Our experienced team provides professional maintenance and repair all year long. Get to know our cycling experts and get moving. Custom services are also available. The following services are available. Please bring your bike in for a free inspection and estimate. Contact us for gear recommendations and local advice. We want to see you with a smile when you ride Your ride is our commitment.
REI reviews are largely positive, emphasizing their good customer service, friendly and knowledgeable staff, and high-quality merchandise. Several customers commented positively on their experiences in the store mentioning the great atmosphere and a big variety of products listed. Moreover, the company's attention to service, that one customer claiming it offers the best customer service in the action sports industry. The store has good service for products such as bike repairs and sometimes involves evaluating, updating, or repairing items before the customer's very eyes. Many customers mentioned their satisfaction with sales and also had a lot of fun. Members said they would keep on shopping there. Some experts in bicycle sale services, with Kirsten E. recognizing by a customer for her stellar customer service in helping them find the right bike. Community engagement was varied, with some attendees wishing to have a store nearby. While many stores had a higher price tag, customers felt they got a good value from the durable products. The critics were limited, with one person commenting on the cost and another wondering about the decline in local stores. .
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