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REI believes a life well-lived is a life outdoors. Our products come with a lifetime guarantee and total satisfaction promise. We know how critical excellent outdoor gear is. We hope for a more meaningful way of doing business as a co-op. REI gives back almost 70% of our profits to our members, our nonprofit partners, and our employees. We are here to educate, equip, and inspire you to #OptOutside. We understand that some of you may be new to the great outdoors while others are experts. If you need anything – gear, education, or inspiration – we are here for you, 100%.
The bike shop has received many positive comments. According to customers, it is the best in the Boston region, and they appreciate the superb customer service and expertise on mechanics. Several customers have praised Drew for providing the best care to their bikes, with many comments branding the bike repairs as top-notch. One comment mentioned that a bike that had a problem no longer exists, while another stated he/she would come back. The bike shop's employees are also supposed to be approachable and helpful, and the store provides a wide range of services essential for bike owners. Also, several customers believe that prices are reasonable. In general, good reviews.
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