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Steve Efthimiou graduated from high school in 1979 at the age of 18 years. Following high school, he went to Greece. He later graduated from Indiana University and moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he obtained an MBA in International Business at the University of Texas. Steve Efthimiou served in the US Air Force with pride. After the First Gulf War, he was honorably discharged from the Air Force and began attending St Mary's Law School in San Antonio, Texas, in 1994. 1998 marks the year when Steve Efthimiou was admitted to the Texas State Bar. Family Law is very complex. Divorce, child support, and modification are all part of family law. All parties are impacted by divorce. It is important to select a divorce lawyer who will make you financially and emotionally whole. Steve Efthimiou has a wealth of experience in settling complex agreements and solving divorce and family law matters. He has also dealt with the effects of domestic violence and adultery on divorce. In a contested divorce, one or all of the couple cannot agree to the issues arising in divorce. It entails a lot of quarrels and could be more expensive due to legal fees.
The reviews demonstrate a high level of client satisfaction with attorney Steve Efthimiou. The clients appreciated that the lawyer was approachable and transparent in his work. He explained the legal process and made them feel secure and engaged. He stood out for his integrity and commitment to his work, leading to favorable case outcomes. Numerous clients commented that Efthimiou was the best attorney they had ever hired, which they indicated by referring other potential clients to him. They praised his team as welcoming and helpful, providing a caring and affordable service. Many clients described a low level of stress and feeling that they were in good hands. This lawyer serves both Texas and Alabama clients as a result. The overall verdict was that Efthimiou is a top attorney who is highly recommended for all types of legal representation.