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A workplace case could knock you out. Losing your job is catastrophic for you and your family. You're trying to find out your rights in this difficult time for businesses and workers, and you're not alone. Title VII shields you from discrimination based on race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. When you missed work to assist a family member, were your Family Medical Leave Rights violated? When you left, you weren't told that you had rights to keep your insurance. Disability discrimination has been a source of contention for you? Are your current remunerations right following a workplace accident? Did pitting with your boss over inappropriate behavior? Was your employer not acting in "good faith"? Are you being fired for being a whistleblower? Are you in the middle of a contract dispute? Do you need help getting a separation agreement done? Are you being the topic of a noncompete negotiation? I have spoken with employees in these and other kinds of cases in all situations, including private companies and federal and state government entities. I also advise you on the law, review and go over contracts, and help resolve problems. The female secretary of the State legislature confided in me that some lawmakers were harassing staff. I protected her name. She and I successfully enacted a law to make it easier to protect women from harassment, even though we had also faced off against some of those same colleagues.
Carol Chumney Law reviews are highly positive. Most clients regard Carol as very professional, trustworthy, and thorough legal help. They are happy with the clear communication and reassurance during the process. Daily, her expert legal advice and courtroom performance are forthcoming. Clients stand by Chumney's incredible integrity and commitment to their case. Throughout her long experience, most clients agree that Carol continues to offer advice. She always puts their needs ahead of winning and maintains fair pricing. Many customers recommend her ethical practice and that others come for legal help. It is safe to say that Carol Chumney's clients enjoy solid services and results and do not hesitate to recommend her.